The Matrix, the Real Consequences

The Matrix Reality

What are we doing as a society, culture, world…?  We cannot even comprehend what is real, and what is not real.  Many believe we are truly living in the matrix. The confusion going on today is causing stress in every aspect of society.  Nothing makes sense, or should it be said, everything is nonsensical.   What are we to do to bring discipline and focus back into our lives?

We need to shut it down… the chatter, the noise, the press, the social apps, the radio, tv, and email to name just some of the noise constantly coming at us.  Just think about the last time you set your phone down.  Oh, you cannot remember?  We need to shut it down periodically so we can take walks, exercise, meditate, sleep, and find focus.  Make it a habit to shut off your phone at night, or at least put it the farthest physical distance away from your bed.  Then make it a habit when you wake up that you do not turn it on or look at it until you have achieved some simple goals.  Shower, brush your teeth, exercise, make breakfast, go for a walk, something that can bring some semblance of discipline to your former habits.  Make it a point when you do turn it on, that there is a schedule or plan to get into to break this bond between yourself and the phone, tablet, computer, or any other electronic device that is taking over your life.

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